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UnF*ck Your Brain: Feminist Self-Help for Everyone

Feb 25, 2021

We live in a society that teaches women to put themselves last, and the more marginalized identities you live in, the more ways you are told you’re not good enough or worthy of taking up space. For those who live in marginalized identities, self-love is a radical political act that enables us to claim our worth and...

Feb 18, 2021

Do you lay awake at night obsessing over why a new date or partner took 3 hours to respond to your text instead of their usual 30 minutes? Or maybe you start to feel avoidant when a new partner wants to hang out too much, and worry about losing independence in a relationship? Whatever your attachment style, this...

Feb 11, 2021

Do you tie your self-worth to how productive you are? You know the signs: Never feeling like you’re doing enough, criticizing yourself for being “lazy” or “unmotivated.” If you feel stuck in a cycle of burnout and self-criticism, this episode’s for you. On today’s podcast, I join business coach Simone Seol...

Feb 4, 2021

Do you believe that if you just got that new job title, got married, or achieved any other fill-in-the-blank-accomplishment, you’d be happy and confident? And then do you create unrealistic plans to achieve that goal and abandon them entirely when you inevitably stumble in the execution? Tune into this Greatest...