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UnF*ck Your Brain: Feminist Self-Help for Everyone

Mar 25, 2021

You may think you aren’t close to achieving a goal until you’re 99% of the way there and the finish line is in view. But actually, the biggest distance you can cover is in taking your first few steps toward your goal. Going from inaction to action is INFINITE growth. Once you’ve done that? You can just repeat the...

Mar 18, 2021

Do you torture yourself on the way to a goal, in the hopes that you’ll feel different when you “get there?” Do you think of goals as shiny gold coins to collect in order to feel better about yourself? Do you undermine or discount your accomplishments? Tune into this episode for some mind-blowing wisdom from a live...

Mar 11, 2021

Want to learn what thought work and tarot have in common? In this week’s special episode, I have invited my friend, philosopher, writer, and tarotist Jessica Dore onto the podcast to discuss all things thought work and tarot...and to give me a mini-reading! Jessica has a background in cognitive and behavioral therapy,...

Mar 4, 2021

Do you feel pressured to have a “life goal” or to discover your “calling” in life? Do you struggle with defensiveness when receiving negative feedback at work? In today’s Listener Q&A episode, I’ll answer some common questions about work and entrepreneurship, and share the thoughts I used to scale...