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UnF*ck Your Brain: Feminist Self-Help for Everyone

Sep 30, 2021

Are you hesitant to identify as a feminist? Conversely, do you struggle to understand why any woman WOULDN’T want to identify as a feminist? Cultural messaging around what feminism means is so pervasive that even proud feminists often have to shed cultural narratives that feminists are angry, humorless man-haters....

Sep 28, 2021

Do you understand how the legacies of slavery, colonialism, and genocide have shaped the world we live in? If not, you are missing an incredible opportunity to deepen your coaching and serve your clients and the world. In this episode, coaches Kara Loewentheil and Simone Seol will teach you how you can avoid...

Sep 23, 2021

Are you a coach or thought work aficionado who wishes the industry would step it up to meet the demands of a complicated multi-cultural world? In this special episode, you will get a preview of a brand new podcast that I created with my dear friend and fellow life coach, Simone Seol: Outside the White Box: Elevating the...

Sep 16, 2021

Do you love setting goals and imagining what your life will be like when you achieve them? And then do you spend so much time living in this imagined future that you skip the part where you actually have to, you know, build the habits required to achieve that goal?

If so, you’re not alone. But you’re also missing...

Sep 9, 2021

Do you analyze text messages from romantic interests like you’re peering into into a crystal ball, constantly scanning for evidence of their interest (or lack thereof)? Do you feel like your future happiness is completely at the mercy of the dating apps? In this episode, conscious dating and relationship coach Clara...