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UnF*ck Your Brain: Feminist Self-Help for Everyone

Jul 29, 2023

Fun, joy, and pleasure should come naturally to us, right? But if your brain is anything like mine, they may not come that easily. Patriarchy and our socialization can make pleasure, joy, and relaxation hard to access, and these are things that I really want us all to experience more of this summer.


This August inside...

Jul 28, 2023

There’s too much goodness inside the Clutch to contain it to just one episode, so here comes Part Two! Here’s your chance to get a look inside my feminist monthly coaching program. In Part Two of this episode, I’ll share about the power of coaching – especially one-on-one coaching – and you’ll find out why...

Jul 27, 2023

Whether you’re a new listener and unsure what the Clutch even is or you’re a long-time listener who’s always been curious about the Clutch, here’s your chance to get a look inside my feminist monthly coaching program. In Part One of this episode, I’ll share what led me to become a life coach, the Clutch...

Jul 20, 2023

This week I’m joined by EbonyJanice, author of All the Black Girls are Activists. Tune in as we discuss how to reclaim authority over your own life, how doing the work to show up as your true self is a political act, why wellness culture and the idea of a “soft life” can be misleading, why your inner guard dog may...

Jul 13, 2023

As women and people socialized as women, we’re often making decisions from an emotional place, deciding what to do based on whether doing it or not is going to make us feel worse, aka ashamed or guilty — two emotional states that we’ve been taught to avoid. Tune in to find out why guilt and shame are not moral...